Extract of most recent completed tasks

Temporary position / reliever as Technical Section Leader and Technical Assistant onboard jack-up rig Crossway Eagle in the Danish sector of the North Sea.

Reactivation, upgrade and pecial survey of DP2 accommodation vessel Dan Swift as Owner's Rep during dry-dock in Lisnave, Portugal. 

Planning and executing 5 year special survey of jack-up rig Crossway Eagle during operation in the Danish sector of the North Sea in close cooperation with technical manager, class and crew. 

Writing specification for dry dock and intermediate survey for LPG gas carrier. Quality check of specification for dry dock and special survey for DP2 Offshore Accommodation Vessel. 

Conducting IHM (Inventory of Hazard Materials) in cooperation with Grieg Green  for accommodation platform in North Sea.

Temporary position, during Corona lock down, as Technical Section Leader onboard jack-up rig Crossway Eagle operating at Tyra West and Dan Fox in the Danish sector of the North Sea.

Supervision of deep well pump repair onboard m/v Kathrine Kosan in Batam, Indonesia.

Auxilliary engine survey to establish condition of cylinder units in order to decide regarding extended time between overhaul.

Vessel inspection as preparation for vetting.

Both carried out onboard m/v Kathrine Kosan.